Chilwell Manor Golf Club
Chilwell Manor Golf Club
Chilwell Manor Golf Club

Societies Booking Form

                      Chilwell Manor Golf Club                  

Meadow Lane, Chilwell, Nottingham, NG9 5AE.

Tel: 0115 925 8958    Email:

Societies Booking Form - Please reserve the following agreed date for my Society

Name of Society/Organisation ………………………………………………………………………………...................................

Day & Date Required ………………………………………………………………………………………… Food Req.      YES/NO

Name & Address of Organiser ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..   Post Code …………………………...

Mobile Number ………………………………………………… Home Number …………………………………………………………

Email Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Tee Time Required ………………….. No. Of Golfers ………………… No. of CMGC Members in Party …………….

£5.00 per golfer deposit £ ………………… (Cheques made payable to CMGC) 

Please Note – The above date will be held for 28 days before being offered to other societies.

Terms & Conditions

1) Numbers

Final numbers must be confirmed 7 days prior to visit.   All meals booked at this time must be paid for.  

Alterations in the number of players will be accepted up to 10 days before the event.  After that date the deposit is non-refundable.

2) Deposit

 A deposit of £5.00 per person is required when booking and will be deducted from the total cost of the day.

3) Cancellations

Cancellation of the booking of the society/company day must be done 21 days before the event. After that date the deposit is non-refundable.

4) Handicap/Etiquette

It is the responsibility of the organiser to ensure that all members of the party are fully conversant with the Rules of Golf and Course Etiquette and possess an Official Club/Society Handicap.   The course is to be treated with due respect, with players replacing divots, repairing pitch marks and raking bunkers etc.  Under no circumstances are beginners allowed to use the course.

5) Dress

Smart clean casual dress is acceptable at all times. Shorts, tailored / smart cut to the knee or just above the knee, may be worn on the course (baggy below the knee cargo shorts are not allowed). To be worn with appropriate ankle or knee length socks (colour coordinated socks to match shoes or shirts are allowed). Jeans, trainers and T-shirts bearing a logo are not allowed on the course, Jeans and trainers are allowed (clean and not torn) in the Clubhouse.   Shirts (with collar) must be worn tucked into trousers.   Caps or hats are not allowed in the Club House.  Hats/Caps/Visors worn on the course must be worn the correct way - peak at the front.  Shoes must be worn with socks.

6) Mobile phones

Mobile phones and bleepers are not to be activated on the course.

7) Tee reservations

Play must commence from the 1st tee only at the times agreed and from the yellow markers.

Signed by Organiser ………………………………………………………………  Date ………………